Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Money, money, money

The other day, I was praying about my finances.
My monthly income / outgoings look like this:

Total income after tax and social security:
13663 EEK (Estonian Kroons)

Monthly outgoings:

-5290,59 Mortgage
- 238,00 Home improvement loan
-1600,00 Tithe
- 411,90 Electricity
-1 086,73 Apartment community fund
- 550,00 Internet and Cable TV

Total remaining:

Out of the remaining must come the following:
Fuel (usually around 1000 since i get an additional 1000 fuel allowance from work)
Car repairs
Car insurance (every 6 months abround 1000)
Houshold goods

My phone is paid out of my company account, so thats why its not listed. I have some outstanding bills which need to be paid, and I need to also pay some friends back money they have loaned me. I must make it clear that I'm not in the habit of asking for loans. These loans were offered to me without asking.

As you can see, money is tight.

The occasional windfall goes a long way, and it seems my prayers are being answered. I discovered today that I received royalty payments for some of my songs a few days back totalling over 1200 after tax. As i mentioned in my previous blog, I was owed money by someone and today the payment of 160 Euros arrived in my paypal account. I'll lose a lot of that in transfer and conversion fees, but its still over 2300 EEK.

I know a lot of people would frown at me putting all my finances on the web for the world to see, but I don't care really, and i don't know why others care so much or are so afraid to talk about money (unless they know they're wasting money on trash, and don't want people to know). It's normal for me to be open even about that kind of stuff too. I have nothing to hide...

So anyway things are looking up, but I'm also looking at ways to cut costs, and get my finances into better shape. Finances are not something I've ever been good at particularly, but then I can't say I try very hard.

Time to start.