Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Top 5 Best TV Series Based On Hacking & Technology 2018

Best TV Series Based On Hacking & Technology 2018

Top 5 Best TV Series Based On Hacking & Technology 2018

Top 5 Best TV Series Based On Hacking And Technology 2018

Well, if you are a tech fanatic then you will love watching TV shows which are based on hacking and technology. If you are a tech geek, then you will know that hacking stuff in movies/serials always generates glamor and mystery and adds that special oomph factor to the movie or Tv SHOW.
However, there are not much movies/ or TV serials made on hacking and technology. Technology is rapidly becoming the key point in human lives. The previous year we have seen how hackers had made their marks on giant companies. So, in this article, we are going to discuss top TV shows which have to hack as the central theme. So, have a look at the list.

#1 Mr. Robot

Mr. Robot: Best TV Series Based On Hacking & Technology 2018
Mr. Robot: Best TV Series Based On Hacking & Technology 2018
Well, the reason why I listed Mr. Robot on the top is because this show has millions of followers and this is the first show that portrays an elite hacker. The elite hacker group uses computers, smartphones and many other technologies to penetrate secure network to take down evil corporation while being anonymous. The show displays the life of a young programmer named Elliot who works as a cyber-security engineer and a vigilante hacker by night.

#2 Silicon Valley

Silicon Valley
Silicon Valley
This TV series displays the tech and hacking with a bit of comic touch. The series shows the competition between techies in the high-tech gold rush of modern Silicon Valley. What's more interesting is the people who are more qualified are least successful whereas underdogs are making it big. This show is running successfully for three years now.

#3 The IT Crowd

The IT Crowd
The IT Crowd
The IT Crowd is very popular series and is running successfully for eight years from 2006 to 2013. It is not like Mr.Robot it has its moments of hacks. The series shows the comedic adventures of a rag-tag group of technical support workers at a large corporation.

#4 Person Of Interest

Person Of Interest
Person Of Interest
It is one of the best TV series made till now. You will get to see the humor, twists, and lots of other things. In this show and intelligent programmer built and AI (Artificial intelligence) that helps to stop the crimes in the city. The show will definitely give you chills.

#5 Chuck

Chuck: Best TV Series Based On Hacking & Technology 2018
Chuck: Best TV Series Based On Hacking & Technology 2018
The TV series was somehow popular and ran from 2007 to 2013. The show shows the character of a young hacker and nerd who accidentally downloads US Govt, secrets into his brain and there is where the story starts CIA and NSA agents protect him and at the same time exploit him.

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CEH: 10 Hacking Tools For Hackers

There are a lot of hacking tools available over the internet but mostly we need some of them. In this blog you'll learn about hacking tools which are typically used in the world of hacking by penetration testers.


SmartWhois is an information-gathering program that allows you to find all available information about an IP address, hostname, or domain, including country, state or province, city, name of the network provider, administrator, and technical support contact information. SmartWhois is a graphical version of the basic Whois program.


SocksChain is a tool that gives a hacker the ability to attack through a chain of proxy servers. The main purpose of doing this is to hide the hacker's real IP address and therefore minimize the chance of detection. When a hacker works through several proxy servers in series, it's much harder to locate the hacker. Tracking the attacker's IP address through the logs of several proxy servers is complex and tedious work. If one of the proxy servers' log files is lost or incomplete, the chain is broken, and the hacker's IP address remains anonymous.

NeoTrace, VisualRoute, and VisualLookout

NeoTrace, VisualRoute, and VisualLookout are all packet-tracking tools with a GUI or visual interface. They plot the path the packets travel on a map and can visually identify the locations of routers and other internet working devices. These tools operate similarly to traceroute and perform the same information gathering; however, they provide a visual representation of the results.

Visualware's eMailTrackerPro

Visualware's eMailTrackerPro ( www.emailtrackerpro.com/ ) and MailTracking ( http://mailtracking.com/ ) are tools that allow an ethical hacker to track email messages. When you use these tools to send an email, forward an email, reply to an email, or modify an email, the resulting actions and tracks of the original email are logged. The sender is notified of all actions performed on the tracked email by an automatically generated email.


IPEye is a TCP port scanner that can do SYN, FIN, Null, and XMAS scans. It's a command line tool.
IPEye probes the ports on a target system and responds with closed, reject, drop, or open. Closed means there is a computer on the other end, but it doesn't listen at the port. Reject means a firewall is rejecting the connection to the port (sending a reset back). Drop means a firewall is dropping everything to the port, or there is no computer on the other end. Open means some kind of service is listening at the port. These responses help a hacker identify what type of system is responding.


IPSecScan is a tool that can scan either a single IP address or a range of addresses looking for systems that are IPSec enabled that means the system has IPSec enabled while disabled means that it either has IPSec disabled, the compatibility issue or the configuration issue that not reveal to you that it has IPSec enabled. Indeterminable means that the scanner isn't sure if IPSec is enabled or disabled.


Icmpenum uses not only ICMP Echo packets to probe networks, but also ICMP Timestamp and ICMP Information packets. Furthermore, it supports spoofing and sniffing for reply packets. Icmpenum is great for scanning networks when the firewall blocks ICMP Echo packets but fails to block Timestamp or Information packets.

SNMP Scanner

SNMP Scanner allows you to scan a range or list of hosts performing ping, DNS, and Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) queries. This tool helps you to find out the current information about the device of SNMP nodes in the given network.

hping2 tool

The hping2 tool is notable because it contains a host of other features besides OS fingerprinting such as TCP, User Datagram Protocol (UDP), ICMP, and raw-IP ping protocols, traceroute mode, and the ability to send files between the source and target system.

THC-Scan, PhoneSweep, and TeleSweep

THC-Scan, PhoneSweep, and TeleSweep are tools that identify phone numbers and can dial a target to make a connection with a computer modem. These tools generally work by using a predetermined list of common usernames and passwords in an attempt to gain access to the system. Most remote-access dial-in connections aren't secured with a password or use very rudimentary security.
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Hacking Freemium Games - The Evolution Of PC Game Cheating

This post is going to be a rather strange post compared to previous ones. But bear with me, in the middle of the post you will see why this post fits the IT security topic.

I'm also terribly sorry for not posting recently, but I was busy with my SPSE and SLAE certification. Both are recommended for Python and Assembly noobs like me. But back to this post.

A little bit of history

Cheating in games started as help for game testers. By using invincibility or infinite ammo testers were able to test the game quicker, which meant less money spent on testing. I personally use cheat codes in games, depending on my mood. Sometimes it feels good to slash all the opponents while I'm invincible, sometimes it is more fun to play the game without cheats. One can argue whether cheating in games is OK or not, but I believe it depends, there is no black or white. But one thing is for sure, it is part of the gaming industry. There is huge demand for cheats. There were even cheat books printed on paper...

The different types of cheats (on PC)

There are different types of cheats in PC gaming. Following is a noncomplete list of these cheats:

Cheat codes

The good old IDDQD type of cheats. These are left in the game by the developers intentionally. Nothing interesting here.

Edit memory

This is my favorite. I will talk about this at the end of the post. Whenever a user launches a new program, the program's whole memory is accessible (read/write) to every other program launched by the user. And since the memory stores the current game state (health, ammo, armor, etc.), these values can be changed easily. In the good old times, there were POKE commands to do this cheats, and the memory address to write into was published by people who found where the game stores the most critical states about the game.

Code injection

This is like patching the game code. For example, one can change the "DEC (pointer to your current health)" instruction with NOP (do nothing), thus becoming invincible. In multi-player cheats, there is the aimbot to help you aim at enemies, wallhack to see through the wall, increase hitbox of the enemy for smoother hit, or in MMORPGs, one can write macros to collect items while the player is not online. I would say the so-called "trainers" more or less fit into this category and the previous one.

Saved game editor

The first time a kid meets a hex-editor (just like the co-author of this blog did with SIM City when he was 10 years old - David). It can teach a lot about file structures, the hexadecimal numeral system, etc. Fun times. 

Hacking game server

Not very common, but even more fun. Warning: endless trolling possibilities in multi-player games ahead :) How to hack a game server? Well, I think this might deserve another full blog post ...

Network traffic hacking

One last necessary type of cheating is to modify network traffic between the client and the game server. AFAIK SSL is not universal in gaming, so stunnel is not needed for this hack, but ettercap can help in changing the communication.

Why cheating becomes more critical (and challenging)?

Now in the age of in-app-payments, the game creators are no longer thinking about cheats as funny things but something to be destroyed to the ground. Because cheating decreases its revenue. Or not. At least they think it does. To quote Wikipedia here, "cheating in such games is nonetheless a legal grey area because there are no laws against modifying software which is already owned, as detailed in the Digital Millennium Copyright Act." 

A lot of online games include anti-cheating components like PunkBuster, nProtect GameGuard, or Valve Anti-Cheat. This whole cheating/anti-cheating industry is the same as the virus/anti-virus industry. A cat and mouse game.

Freemium games

If you have not played with "freemium" games, you should watch South Park season 18, episode 6. - "Freemium Isn't Free." If you did play with freemium games, you definitely have to watch it :) There are many problems with freemium games. It is free to install, free to play. The first 3-4 hours might be fun to play. But after that, it turns out it is impossible to advance in the game without paying money for it. And by spending cash, I mean spending a LOT! Let's have a look at today's example, an arcade racing video game.

For 99.99 USD, you can get 3 000 000 credit. For almost double the price of a new PC game, you can get these credits. In this particular game, I estimate one have to play ~6-24 hours constantly to get this amount of credit. But by playing ~6 hours, I mean 6 hours without progress in the game! Kind of boring. And what do you get from 3 000 000 credit? You can buy one of the most expensive cars, but can't tune them fully. You have to play more (without progress) or buy more. But guess what, there are more cars you can't buy by only playing the game. Those are only available via in-app-purchase.

Even though the player has 58 765 533 credits, it is not possible to buy this car. Only available through real money.

So, what are your possibilities? You are either Richie Rich, and can afford the money to buy these. Or you can be insane, and try to play the game without in-app-purchase. Or give up the game and try another freemium ... Or, you can try to hack the game!

Hack all the freemium games!

Although I was not playing this racing game from day one, I was able to witness the evolution of the cheats against this game. The cheats which worked in one day was not working one month later. The game is continuously updated to defeat the newly published cheats.

Noob start

So, I want to hack this game, what is the first thing a noob like me does? Bing it! Google it! 
From the first page result, let's check this tool:

While trying to download that, I just have to give my email address to spammers, or my mobile number will be subscribed to premium rate text messages. What fun.

Another "cheat" program will install malware/adware on your computer. Never ever try these programs. They are fake 99% of the time and after installing those you will have another problem, not just how to hack freemium games.

Beginners start - Cheat engine

When I first heard about hacking games in memory, I visualized hours of OllyDBG/ImmunityDBG/(insert your favorite Windows debugger here). It turned out, there are some specialized tools to help you with cheating the game. No assembly knowledge required. My favourite tool is CheatEngine. I highly recommend to download it and spend 10 minutes to get past the built-in tutorial levels to get a feeling about this tool. It's super duper awesome.

When I first tried to hack this game myself, I scanned the memory for my actual credit and tried to change that, no luck. Keep reading, you will see what happened.

The second cheat I tried with cheat engine was something like this
  1. Start the game, play the first level, and check how many credits is paid for winning the race. Pro tip: use dual display for full-screen game cheating.
  2. Restart the same level, attach Cheat Engine to the game's process
  3. Scan the memory for the same value at the beginning of the race
  4. Scan the memory for the same value at the end of the game. The intersect of the first and second scan includes the real value where the credit is stored for winning the race.
  5. Change the values (both the real one and some false positives) to something big
  6. Watch the game to crash
  7. Be amazed at the money you received
Nowadays, most of the cheats on YouTube does not work. Except for these kind of cheats. I don't want to recreate that tutorial, so you should watch it first then come back.

Are you back? Great. Do you have any idea what have you just seen? No? Well, in this case, don't try this at home. Copy-pasting assembly code from random internet posts and running on your computer is always a bad idea. It is precisely as risky as downloading free programs from random internet sites.

Although I have not seen people trolling others with this cheat engine type of shellcode, I think the time will come when these will be turned into something terrible. These shellcodes might work, or might harm your computer. The good news is, we can have a look at the code and analyze it. 

When you open CheatEngine and try to define a new custom type, you are greeted with a skeleton assembly code. I don't want to detail what all the skeleton code does, let's just focus on the difference between the skeleton code and the code used in the video. This is the "decrypt function":

xor eax, 0baadf00d
rol eax, 0e

What does it mean? The actual credit is encrypted in memory. If you want to scan it in memory, you won't be able to find it. But! The encryption is rotating the value to the right (ROR) with 0xE (14 in decimal), and after that, it is XOR-ed with 0xbaadf00d. Decrypting it is the inverse of the functions in reverse order (in this particular case, the order does not matter, but that's not the point). The inverse function of XOR is XOR, and the inverse function of ROR (rotate right) is ROL (rotate left). Now that we analyzed the assembly code, we can be sure that it is safe to execute. Just follow the video and see your coins falling from the sky. For free. In a freemium game. Have fun!

Encrypt memory - applications at financial institutions

Another exciting thing is that I don't recall any thick client applications in the financial industry encrypting the values in memory. And I agree, there are more significant problems with thick client applications than not encrypting the essential values in memory. But still, some thick client applications are regularly updated, maintained. Maybe it is a good idea to encrypt the values in memory. It will make attackers' life harder. Not impossible, but harder. Perhaps the developers of these applications should learn from the gaming industry (or from malware developers for that matter) because it is a shame that an arcade racing game or an FPS is protected better than an application responsible for transacting millions of dollars. Just think about the RAM scraping malware stealing millions of credit card data ...

Moral of the story

Cheating is part of the gaming history, and the freemium games are trying to take away the cheats from the gamers because they want money. Thanks to CheatEngine and some clever hacks, these programs can be still beaten. And guess what, there is CheatEngine for Android - although it did not work for me on the latest Android. And sometimes, hacking all kinds of applications can be more comfortable with CheatEngine, compared to traditional debuggers.

Also, always check the code before executing it! And when you find something cool, publish it, so everyone could enjoy the games!

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How tO Secure Yourself From Evil Twin Attack

How To Secure Yourself From Evil Twin Attack ?
Hello, in this article you are going to learn how to secure yourself from getting hacked using evil twin attack.

1) Do not connect to any public networks, anyone can sniff your data while you are on a public network.Evil Twin attack will be performed as a public network, so wherever possible restrict connecting to any open or public networks mainly if it wifi name is same as your wifi name

2) When your internet connection suddenly stops working, you might be under DOS attack using evil twin attack, just restart the router and the hacker need to restart the attack and as it takes some time.  Maybe they leave it or continue some other time 

3) Running a VPN to ensure that any browsing and transmitted data is done through an encrypted tunnel that cannot be easily snooped. 

4) Do not always rely on the name of the network, make sure it is a legitimate and trusted network or not. 

Thank You for Reading, Hope It's Useful

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John The Ripper

"A powerful, flexible, and fast multi-platform password hash cracker John the Ripper is a fast password cracker, currently available for many flavors of Unix (11 are officially supported, not counting different architectures), DOS, Win32, BeOS, and OpenVMS. Its primary purpose is to detect weak Unix passwords. It supports several crypt(3) password hash types which are most commonly found on various Unix flavors, as well as Kerberos AFS and Windows NT/2000/XP LM hashes. Several other hash types are added with contributed patches. You will want to start with some wordlists, which you can find here or here. " read more...

Website: http://www.openwall.com/john

More info


Kali Linux has been the most advanced penetration testing machine introduced yet. It has the most valuable tools used for every sort of hacking. To take advantage of Kali Linux hacking tools, you have to switch your OS to Kali Linux. You can either install Kali Linux as your default OS or just install as a virtual machine within the same OS. You can learn more about how to install Kali Linux Virtualbox. Today in this tutorial, I am just going to share a very simple Kali Linux tutorial on how to capture screenshot in Kali Linux. It's very simple and newbie friendly.


There are two ways to capture a screenshot in Kali Linux. One is the ultimate easy one and the second one is a bit complex but it's also not so complicated. So, don't worry about anything.


  • In a first way, you can take a screenshot in a similar way as you take in Windows OS by simply clicking the PrntScr button on the keyboard. As you hit that button, a screenshot will be saved in the Pictures folder of your Kali Linux. The major problem with it, it only captures the full screen. We have no control over it to capture a specific window or region.
  • The second way is to take a screenshot using the command. For that, open up a terminal in the Kali Linux and type apt-get install ImageMagick.
  • Once the command is completed and ImageMagick is installed. We have two options to take a screenshot with it. One is to capture full screen and second is to capture a specific window.
  • To capture full screen, type import -window root Pictures/AnyNameOfTheImage.png in the terminal. It will take a full screenshot and will save it to the Pictures directory by the name you specify. Make sure to type .png  at the end of the file name.
  • To take a screenshot of a specific window or region, type import Pictures/AnyNameOfTheImage.png in the terminal and hit Enter, it will turn the cursor to a selection tool. You just click the mouse button and select the area you want to capture. As you will leave the mouse key, screenshot will be saved in the Pictures folder.
That's all how you can capture screenshot in Kali Linux. This is a very simple and beginner-friendly Kali Linux tutorial to help out all the newbies how they can use this features in need. Hope it will be useful for you.

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